So finally I am posting my review of the action movie ‘Vijaypath’ – it’s about time. My copy of this movie is really poor quality, so I must apologise for the pictures in advance. What can I say about ‘Vijaypath’? A lot, potentially, but I think I’ll try to curb my natural tendency towards verbosity – here are five statements about this film.
1. ‘Vijaypath’ is a nice slice of mid-90s fabulousness – Ajay Devgan looking hot in tight jeans and some big ol’ sunglasses, Tabu looking… umm, loud in some crazy clothes, and a supporting cast made up of the same old actors we’re used to seeing.
2. ‘Vijaypath’ is a stereotypical revenge flick – young boy’s family is ripped from him, young boy grows up and takes revenge on the bad guy. In this film, Ajay’s character is the son of a judge’s loyal friend and driver. The judge and his family make Ajay’s character part of their home, and the judge’s young son is like his brother. The judge steps on some powerful toes who decide to take their revenge by cruelly murdering the judge and his family. Ajay is also blinded, but just before the judge’s son dies, he donates his eyes to Ajay’s character.
Flash forward to a few years later… and Ajay is a young man who has sworn to wear dark glasses until he gets revenge, in honour of his ‘brother’. Equally bitter… no, much, much, more bitter about the loss of the judge and his family, is the judge’s younger brother (let’s call him Uncle); formerly an honest policeman, who was left permanently disabled in a clash with the bad guys. He and Ajay’s character live together. They spend all their time plotting revenge. Uncle even turns his crutch into a killing machine – that bit’s actually quite funny. Meanwhile, the bad guy is living it up in his mansion, with his daft nephew for comic relief. To cut it all short, things go all kinds of crazy, but Ajay’s character eventually gets revenge (yawnnn) for all his lost loved ones.
3. On the path to revenge, a lot of stuff happens… some of it verysad, all of it very action-y, and some of it very silly. Tabu’s character falls crazy in love with Ajay’s character, but he isn’t interested. You see, all he cares about is revenge. But Tabu gives it her all – she does a very wacky dance (to a song called ‘Ruk Ruk Ruk’) for him, a dance involving policemen, people in raincoats, cheerleaders, clowns, furry toys and even (rather disturbingly), beggars.
She even arranges for Ajay to be attacked by the clowns… poor thing.
Does it all work? Does Ajay fall for the Tabu character? You’ll have to watch the movie to find out (of course it works - eventually).
4. Another thing happens on the way to revenge (not funny though). Ajay’s character is so ruthless about it that he tortures the bad guy’s stupid but harmless nephew by unleashing angry birds on the poor bad-haired thing. This was not funny. This annoyed me. Ajay’s character tried to justify it based on the wrong done to his family, but… no, no, no. Ajay’s character should have gone to jail for that… instead he gets to ride off into the sunset on his Yamaha, with the beautiful Tabu for company.
5. Finally, this film is so formulaic and easy to predict that only a few things made it worth watching for me.
One: Ajay – looking very hot, even with the big ol’ glasses – all in serious mode like I like him. Two: Tabu’s crazy song and dance – totally OTT and totally worth watching.
Three: It was fairly watchable – what you’d call an ok timepass.
Three: It was fairly watchable – what you’d call an ok timepass.
Four: The subtitles are HILARIOUS - I posted a choice few here a while ago.
Ruk Ruk Ruk... Oh my darling, give me a look. Love that song and video. Love the red polka dot dress. In most of Tabu's movies that I've seen, she is usually very cool and dignified. It was fun to see her get really goofy.
I might have to watch this just for the subtitles and the Ruk Ruk Ruk song!
@alan: Have you seen 'Hera Pheri'? Although Tabu's character, like most of her roles is pretty restrained, she does a very wacky number in it as well.
@amy: Well said!
@maja: Might be worth it! Let me know what you think if you ever do watch it.
Hi, sorry this comment is unrelated to Guru mainly because I havn't seen it yet but as soon as I do I can't wait to read this post.
I'm responding to your comments on my blog:
1. Dil Ka Rishta: Yes there is a lot of meaning in there and no I'm not mad about you not liking Arjun's character, LOL, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.
2. Songs DVD: Yes, you must invest in a few songs DVDs. They can open up a whole new world, LOL! I especially recommend the SRK VS Hrithik songs DVD which has 100 songs featuring these two superstars!
BTW, I see you've linked me, I feel so honored :)!
Hey Angela, thanks for the suggestion - sounds great - 100 songs??! Wow.
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